Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need therapy?
You have found yourself asking this question for a reason. Sometimes we feel lost, uncertain, or even afraid. Life throws some really tough things our way that can be difficult to navigate and understand on our own. People enter therapy for a variety of reasons. Some come to therapy because they need someone to help sort through a circumstance that has presented itself. Some come to therapy because they feel lost, alone and afraid that they may give up or hurt themselves or someone else. Still, some come to therapy to find themselves or sort through a traumatic event from their past or present. Whatever the reason you have found yourself here, our therapists can help you navigate your situation, emotions, and symptoms. Therapy creates a safe space for you to discover your way to the life you deserve.
Is therapy confidential?
The short answer is YES! Therapy is completely confidential. Everything discussed in a therapy room is privileged information between you and your therapist. Even your presence in therapy is confidential. There are a few exceptions to confidentiality, however. Therapists are mandated reporters for certain things in Tennessee. These reports include: 1) If your therapist believes that you are in danger of harming yourself or someone else 2) If your therapist learns about a child or a dependent adult being abused. 3) If a judge orders your therapy records in a legal matter (very rare) 4) If you are using your insurance, your insurance company will receive your diagnosis code and could request records in an audit.
Why do many therapists not take insurance?
Many therapists have chosen to not take insurance for several reasons. As mentioned above, there can be a threat to your confidentiality when insurance is involved and therapists take confidentiality very seriously. Insurance companies can also limit your sessions, force termination before you or your therapist believe that therapy is complete, and complicate your treatment significantly by bogging the therapist down with extra paperwork, red tape, and delayed payments. Healing bonds tries to balance the need of clients who want/need to use their insurance but also provides private pay options to help you avoid some of these issues. We have structured our private pay rates so that they are similar, and often less than what you may pay when using your insurance. If you would like to have your insurance plan compared to our private pay rates, please contact us.
Why is therapy so expensive?
Therapy is a medical service and therapists are required to pay fees to provide that medical service. Therapists are members of national associations, do a minimum of 15 hours of continuing education courses each year, pay licensing and insurance fees as well as all of the other costs of running a business. We recognize that therapy is an investment, so we commit to keep our standards of care high and offer the best treatment we possibly can.
What should I expect out of therapy?
Therapy is a collaborative process between you and your therapist. It is very helpful for you and your therapist to discuss and focus on your goals of coming to therapy. Some come to therapy for support, and some come to be challenged. Your therapist is not there to give you advice, but is trained to ask questions and allow you to utilize your own strengths to arrive at your goals. We believe in you, and are here to walk with you. Ultimately, there can be no guaranteed results of therapy, but your level of participation often drives the outcome of the therapy.
How long will I be in therapy?
This is a question that can only be answered by you and your therapist. There are many factors involved in this answer such as past history, trauma, attachment styles, presenting problems, and much much more. Some come to therapy for a few sessions and some go to therapy for years. This should be an ongoing conversation with your therapist as you set goals and reflect on your progress throughout the therapeutic process.
My friends/family don’t believe in therapy…what do I do?
Therapy can be misunderstood by well-meaning individuals. As therapists, we encourage you to gather information and decide what is right for you. There are different types of therapy and different types of therapists. Don't be afraid to ask direct questions about the therapy you will receive, your therapists training, and discuss your concerns. Ultimately, therapy is confidential and many people choose not to tell others that they are seeking therapy. You have a right to your privacy, and a right to make this decision for yourself.