We offer a variety of therapy services to meet your needs.
There is a popular saying that "if it doesn't kill you, it will make you stronger". While there may be some truth to that old saying, it's gives a silent message to us that we should just "suck it up" and survive what comes our way.
Difficult times come to all of us. Sometimes, we either don't have, or are depleted of the resources to overcome the emotional toil that accompanies life's curve balls.
Individual therapy provides a non-threatening, comfortable atmosphere to "come as you are" and sort through your circumstances without judgment. You will be heard, felt, and understood. Together with your therapist, you will establish goals and a treatment plan for your sessions and begin to learn tools to cope with or overcome your presenting issue. Gaining insight and experience in overcoming a difficult situation builds resiliency in you to face future challenges.
The relationship you have with your spouse is one of, if not the most important, relationship that an adult has. And it is not easy. All marriages/relationships are unique and look different because two committed unique individuals, come together to live one life together.
In couples' counseling, the focus will be in creating a safe haven, a secure bond between the couple. The modality that each therapist is trained in is Emotionally Focused Couple's Therapy (EFT). It is one of the leading, research based models of couple's therapy and boasts a 70-73% recovery rate and a 90% improvement rate (compared with a 50% recovery rate for other types of therapy). The results have shown to be long-term and couples who complete the therapy process can experience lasting change. If you have participated in Couple's therapy in the past and it has been unsuccessful, you may want to give EFT a try. Many have found success through this therapy.
The couple can expect to meet with the therapist once on an individual basis, and then most other sessions will be together as a couple with an occasional individual check-in. The therapist works with you together to remain un-biased and fair and you can rest-assured that the therapist will keep your best interest and goals, as a couple at the center of every session. Individually held secrets are never a part of couple's therapy so you can trust that the therapist is never colluding in a betrayal.
Couples therapy generally lasts between 8-20 sessions, depending on the presenting issues and backgrounds of the individuals. The therapist and couple will do frequent check-in's to determine progress and to re-evaluate a treatment plan as therapy progresses
Family relationships and parenting have become increasingly difficult as our lives get busier, expectations get larger, and the world continues to change. Parents often feel that they can't reach the child that they love so much, and it can cause intense despair. Children have a different and unique way of dealing with their emotions and each child handles stress in their own individual way. Family counseling provides a safe place for children and/or parents to explore these emotions and find new ways of interacting. Children 10 and up* will have the option to see the therapist individually with intermittently scheduled family sessions. Children under 10 show greatest success in therapy when the parental figure is present in the majority of the sessions. Legal guardians must consent for counseling for minors.
This practice does not participate in legal proceedings to determine custody.
*Every case is unique and the therapist and legal guardians will determine the most appropriate treatment plan after evaluation
Play therapy is an opportunity for children to experience therapy in a language that is best suited for them. Your child will be able to come into the therapy room and express their world, thoughts, and feelings through the language of play. Sometimes the therapist may lead a child through a specific activity to increase their pcoessing, and other times the child will be able to have the choice to decide what they need that day.
Play provides a developmentally appropriate way for kids to process. Parents and family members are sometimes involved in sessions to help increase positive attachment and processing.
Perinatal refers to the time around conception to 3 years postpartum. Perinatal therapy is the treatment of individuals and couples in this very significant time of development with PMADs. PMADs are Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders such as Depression, Anxiety, OCD, Bipolar, and PTSD. 1 out of every 5-7 postpartum moms and 1 out of every 10 postpartum partners is suffering from PMAD. Additionally, 1 out of every 3 births is considered traumatic. You do not have to suffer alone.
Meet with your therapist from the comfort of your own home. Telehealth is a HIPAA compliant face-to-face therapy session.
You will need reliable internet service, a computer or a smart phone to access your session.
Couples or families have the option of being in one location or multiple locations to receive this service.
In order to receive this service, you must physically be located in the state of Tennessee, not involved in a legal or custody battle, be free of suicidal or homicidal thoughts and be over the age of 18 (unless you receive written permission from a custodial parent).
If using insurance it is your responsibility to check with your policy to make sure it covers telehealth.
Paperwork must be completed online prior to your first session.
EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a psychotherapy approach designed for working with distressing or traumatic memories. The theory behind EMDR is that many psychological difficulties are the result of distressing life experiences which have not been stored in memory properly and are said to be unprocessed or blocked. These traumatic memories may need some help to become processed, and EMDR is one way to do this.
Click here to learn more about EMDR.